Saturday, May 31, 2008

Janitorial Cleaning Service Getting Started

A janitorial cleaning service is one of the best businesses for a hardworking, blue collar person to start from scratch. Every business and every building needs to be cleaned once in a while - in some cases, many times each day. With the overhead involved with hiring employees to provide janitorial services, it is convenient for a company to outsource to a commercial janitorial service provider.

This is where you step in!

If you are reading this article, you are probably looking for advice on how to start a janitorial service. Hopefully the following information and advice will get you moving in the right direction.

Start Up Costs and Financing Sources:

$500 and up

It is possible to get started with almost no investment, but you will be in a much better position if you have a few hundred dollars of basic equipment available. Equipment for a full-scale commercial janitorial service may run many thousands of dollars.

Writing a sound business plan describing how to start a janitorial service in your area - including detailed market research and plans for future growth - may help you to secure some of your initial funding from venture capitalists or angel investors.

Pricing Guidelines for Service:

Base your time at $20 to $50 per hour (before taxes and expenses) and price your services according to the time you expect to spend on each task.

Itemize the exact services you intend to provide. Charging by the hour tends to make clients comfortable asking you to do more and more work for the same money. Be clear that you provide certain services for a certain price. By charging a flat fee, you will continually earn a better hourly rate as you improve and become more efficient.

Advertising and Marketing:

Get listed in the yellow pages under all of the main services you provide. This is more expensive than one general listing, but you can't expect all of your potential clients to look under "Janitorial Services" when they are really looking for "Window Cleaners".

Face-to-face selling can go either way. Some managers and store owners like the fortitude of this very direct way of marketing, but others find it very annoying - especially if they get a lot of people coming in and asking to wash the windows. Always obey "No Soliciting" signs.

Walk around town and identify businesses which look like they really need your help. Send a professional-looking brochure to the general manager.

Essential Equipment:

A janitorial cleaning service can start very small and build up as it grows more popular. It is sometimes possible to start out by using the equipment of the client companies, buying your own equipment with that revenue.

Get a unique uniform - and unique does not mean outrageous! A uniform looks much more professional than jeans, and it can provide a marketing service for you, as well. When people recognize your janitorial cleaning service working at the company down the street, it lends credibility to you when you approach them for a contract.

Much of the following equipment will become useful as your business expands:

Safety Equipment:

  • dust mask
  • safety goggles
  • heat resistant gloves
  • heat resistant apron
  • slip resistant, steel toe shoes
  • hard hat

    General Supplies:

  • dust mop, brooms, and dust pans
  • vacuum cleaner
  • window squeegee and buckets
  • wet mop and bucket
  • scrub brushes
  • towels, lots of towels
  • window cleaning solution
  • degreaser solution
  • carpet cleaning solution
  • plunger
  • drain "snake"
  • basic tool set: hammer, screwdrivers, wrenches, etc.
  • tape measure
  • utility knife and plenty of blades
  • tool belt
  • ladder
  • 50-foot water hose
  • pressure washer
  • chainsaw
  • weed whip
  • a cargo van to carry it all

    Income Potential:

    $15,000 to $60,000 per year, going solo.

    There is a limit to the amount you can earn working alone. As you become more successful at negotiating with clients, you can eventually start hiring other people to do the work. The ultimate earning potential is unlimited.

    Target Market:

    One of the nicest parts about janitorial services is that you don't have to look for new customers week after week. After you secure a few accounts, you will have a fairly steady source of income that only changes infrequently.

    Convenience stores, restaurants, grocery stores, strip malls, and office complexes are all great places to start looking.

    Tips for Success:

  • Always be professional and courteous. Everyone encounters stressful and undesirable working conditions once in a while. It will carry you a long way if you can remain respectful and calm when dealing with these situations. Don't let your clients walk all over you, but don't let them walk out on you!
  • Janitorial services are very repetitive from day to day. Keep a mindset toward using your time more and more efficiently.
  • Go the extra mile. Do what you can to go above and beyond your clients' expectations. This translates to job security and a better reputation in the industry.
  • You should get your janitorial cleaning service bonded and insured. If you are not bonded and insured, your prospects for business are very limited.

    Training, Skills or Experience Needed:

    The best training is to have worked as a janitor for some time so you know what you're getting into. It is not easy work. Read a few books on how to start a janitorial service. No matter how much you already know, you are sure to find new information that will help you to be more successful.

    Schooling is not usually necessary, but you can earn better money and find more contracts if you learn to maintain HVAC or other common equipment. There are independent classes available for this type of training.

    ฉ Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

    Randy Wilson has dozens of home based business articles such as Ebay Money Making Tips, Nutrition Home Business and Small Business Web Design.

  • Spring Cleaning for the Mind

    During the spring, many of us feel the need to clean our homes with annual spring cleaning. While clearing clutter is important, it is also important to do some "spring cleaning" in our mind and personal life. Here are some ideas for clearing internal clutter:

    Use the external as a clue to where clearing is needed

    Did you know that the clutter in our homes often correlates to internal areas that need uncluttering? For example, if we are uncomfortable with our appearance or worried about health, often clutter will appear in the kitchen or closet. If finances or debt is an area that needs attention, clutter will likely appear on our desks. Look around your house and office. Where is the most clutter? Ask yourself what might be going on internally that needs attention.

    Shedding emotional weight

    While people might start thinking about shedding physical pounds for summer, take a moment to shed any emotional weight, too. Do you have a group of good and positive people around you? Do you have any friends that are extremely negative? Reduce the time you are spending with negative people and increase your time with those who are positive and supportive. Take a moment this week to schedule lunch or coffee with someone who inspires you.

    Check your energy level

    How has your energy been the past 30 days? Do you have enough energy to match the tasks on your to-do list? If you are getting 7 hours of sleep and still lacking energy, there is likely an emotional culprit. Take a moment to list out your stressors and what is weighing you down. Make a proactive plan to deal with these issues. Energy is most often drained when we don't have options, hope, or know what to do next because we feel overwhelmed. Using Time Management skills or breaking down goals into small steps can help.

    How is your balance?

    Jot down your top 3 life priorities. Next, take a look at how you plan to spend this week. Have you scheduled time for your priorities? When what we do is different than what we value, we are more likely to feel fatigued or depressed. If your plan for the week is missing time for your life priorities, take action today by scheduling in time for your priorities.

    What have you done for you lately?

    When meeting the daily demands of others we often let our needs go unmet. Over the past month have you been taking regular time to rejuvenate your self? Even 5-10 minutes a day can do wonders. Remember that self-time isn't selfish, it is necessary in order to meet the demands of others at our 100% best.

    Your Turn:

    This week think through each of the 5 areas listed above. Spend at least one hour on "spring cleaning for the mind." You'll be amazed at how much better you will feel a week from today!

    Brook Noel is the creator of the best-selling 70 Day Life Makeover Program for Women .. The Change Your Life Challenge.
    This program has helped thousands of women take control of their home, finances, relationships, clutter, time-managmenet and more.

    She is the author of 19 books and maintains three free newsletters. The Daily Rush is devoted to quick and easy recipes; Good Morning! is a daily newsletter to get your day off to a great start and The Challenge Weekly offers a personal challenge for self-improvement each week. To sign up for these free newsletters please visit

    Some Tips For Gutter and Downspout Cleaning

    Downspout Cleaning:

    Here Is How To Go About Downspout Cleaning

    A downspout is that vertical pipe which carries water down from a roof gutter. Water trapped in gutters can cause serious damage to roofs and walls. Thus maintaining clean gutters and downspouts is very necessary and helps to keep one’s home in good shape.

    Some Steps in cleaning of downspouts –

    1. Firstly gain access to the roof with the help of a ladder. See to it that you don't lean the ladder against the downspout or the gutter. It can easily bend or break them.

    2. Then remove leaves and twigs from gutters and with a large spoon, a gutter scoop or a small garden trowel.

    3. Also, wet down the caked-on dirt, which is sometimes difficult to remove without causing damage to the gutter or downspout. Remove it with a gutter scoop or trowel.

    4. Regularly check whether the downspouts are clogged or not. You can use water to unclog your downspouts by placing the garden hose in the opening. But be very gentle, as downspouts are not designed for withstanding the same pressure as that of a house drain. If a plugged downspout cannot be cleared with a hose then make use of a small plumber's snake or even an unbent clothes hanger. Again, remember to be gentle.

    6. Alternatively, use a leaf blower to clean the gutters; however, remember that you'll be high up, often in awkward postures, and carrying a good-sized machine that not only is awkward to use but also can blind you with dust.

    7. Further, you can use the hose for flushing the gutters with water after cleaning. (At this time, you can also find out if there are any leaks in the gutter or in the downspout.)

    Some Tips For Downspout Cleaning –

    Firstly, one can use the hose of the pipe and spray it forcefully at an angle less than 40* in the gutter for forcefully pushing the twigs and leaves towards any corner where one can use a trowel or hands to take it out with. That is much more convenient! But before doing this, make sure that the gutter spouts are not clogged, as water needs to go down there otherwise it will fill up the gutter. Secondly, remember to be especially careful when using a hose or a plumber's snake for unclogging the down spouts. It is likely that the clog has caused the gutter to rust, making it more likely that you will punch a hole in the gutter.

    Cleaning your gutters regularly can save you a ton of work and headaches later. For more tips visit:

    Friday, May 30, 2008

    I Want to Start An Aircraft Cleaning Business

    It has always been said that aviation is a great place to spend money, but a terrible place to try to make a living. Many companies such as fixed base operators, avionics shops and general aviation businesses often complain about over regulation from the Federal Aviation Administration and lack of cash flow. But there are aviation businesses you can get into if you love airplanes, which will not cost too much to start.

    In fact when I was only twelve years old I started my first business, well my first real business washing airplanes out at the local airport. You see my dad was a pilot and I wanted to be a pilot too and liked most young boys I loved airplanes. An aircraft washing and cleaning business can be a lucrative small business to start.

    It is relatively simple and you can charge be a lot more to detail an airplane than a car. Plus, there is not the amount of competition that there is in auto detailing in the aircraft business of cleaning planes. Imagine yourself detailing a Learjet or a new Gulfstream jet?

    To start an aircraft washing service you'll need to go down to the local airport and get an activities permit and a background check, which you will have to pay for. You will also have to learn the rules to collect the wastewater from the washing of the aircraft and acquire the proper equipment to help you clean the planes.

    But you might be surprised how simple it is to start an aircraft cleaning service of your own. There are many places all over the Internet with an abundance of information to help you learn more about this industry. Consider this 2006.

    Lance Winslow

    7 Proven Tips To Market Your Cleaning Business

    Marketing your cleaning business is something that you will already have an idea about when you start your business plan. Nothing is better for an emerging cleaning business than a really good marketing strategy. This is when all of your research will work to your advantage. Cleaning business or any other type of service business cannot survive without a proven marketing plan, In order to build a good marketing strategy you must first:

    1- Correctly assess your competition and what they are doing to market their businesses. You have to offer your clients something that is fresh and different if you want to get their attention.( You can offer free information on keeping your clients area clean - this will show your clients that you are an expert in your field).

    2-Survey your potential market beforehand so that you can establish what your clients are missing in their current needs as consumers. You will want to know what they want and give it to them.( may be they need special cleaning product or prefer more special services)

    3-Learn what types of advertisements work best in your business’ locale. Sometimes commercials are best whereas other area get a better response by utilizing the local newspaper or pennysaver.( how about direct response marketing? )

    4-Begin your promotion before you plan to start your cleaning business so that you can garner an interest in your services before you even start. Building up some interest ahead of time can help to ensure good contract. If some consumers are not satisfied with their current cleaning service they could be waiting for any opportunity to switch to a different cleaning company.

    5-Promotions and discounts are a necessity to running a successful residential or commercial cleaning business. You must make sure that you are in a position to compete in this manner. Your business start-up will run a lot better if you begin with a special promotion.

    6-The key to successful marketing will be your ability to meet the basic supply and demand of your community. Be sure to stay on top of this because these things are always changing. You can offer extra services that are not supplied by most of your competitors.

    7-You should be able to keep up with market changes and try to anticipate them beforehand because it keeps you a step ahead of the average consumer. This will prove invaluable to you later. by following the news about the cleaning field.

    About The Author

    Khali S,

    How to start & run an office cleaning business.

    Cleaning Business StartUp Free Mini-Course.

    8 Road Blocks to Success in Your Cleaning Business

    All business owners face road blocks throughout the life of their business. It's how they deal with and overcome these road blocks that will determine their level of success. The following are 8 common road blocks that cleaning businesses face.

    1. Not Having a Business Plan

    Take time to write a business plan. This forces you to take a serious look at all areas of your business and plan for what lies ahead. Some of the things you should be addressing in your plan are:

    *location (home-based, lease an office, and timeline on any transition plan);

    *who are your customers and how will you find them;

    *who is your competition and how will you deal with them;

    *how many employees will you have and how will you handle hiring and training;

    *management team and advisory team;

    *exit plan;

    *financial plan (cover 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years forecast of sales, expenses, cash flow, and balance statement);

    Your business plan is a living document that should be looked at and updated on a yearly basis.

    2. Not Having a Marketing Plan

    Your marketing plan will actually be developed in your business plan, however a separate, more detailed marketing plan should include a timeline on all marketing activities. Some things to consider when developing your plan is:

    *who is your target market? (office buildings, schools, retail, industrial, medical)

    *what services will you provide? (general cleaning, window washing, carpet cleaning, hard floor care, construction clean-up)

    *what is your market area?

    *what is your marketing budget?

    *what methods of marketing and advertising will you implement?

    *what is the timeline for each activity?

    3. Under Capitalized

    Most cleaning companies start on a shoe-string budget, but if you're serious about growing your business, you'll need to have money to invest in your business. Start by researching start-up costs for a cleaning business. Some things that need to be considered are equipment, vehicle expenses, insurance, office supplies, bookkeeping costs, advertising costs, business cards and marketing materials. If you're going to hire employees, there are many additional costs associated with this. This list is not all inclusive - there are many more expenses that must be considered.

    You'll need to have additional funds in your checking account to make sure all the day-to-day expenses are being paid in a timely manner, and that you have funds to cover emergencies.

    4. Growing Too Fast

    Most cleaning companies are ready to take on any job available just to have money coming into the business. If you're having a lot of success adding accounts, it becomes exciting watching the income grow each month. Proceed with caution however, as the result oftentimes is neglect of existing accounts. Before you know it, you'll start losing accounts because of a loss of quality service.

    It's much easier to keep existing customers than it is to find new customers, so be sure to take care of these existing customers, and think of ways to sell additional services to them. Control your growth at a slow and steady pace; you're much more likely to become successful this way. At the same time you'll build a solid reputation for offering quality service that will result in a large referral business.

    5. Inadequate Hiring Practices

    In the cleaning industry it's all too common for small business owners to quickly hire "warm bodies" just to fill an opening. And then the new employee is thrown into the job without the proper training and left to fend for themselves. No wonder employee turnover rates are so high!

    It's never a good practice to hire someone just to fill an opening. Implement a structured interviewing process, and ask targeted questions designed to get the employee talking about how they would handle different situations. Find out more about the employees work history, find out why they left previous jobs and how they interacted with co-workers and supervisors. If possible, have another person conduct a second interview if the applicant appears to be a good fit for the position. Check references, and conduct a criminal history check if applicable.

    Once the decision has been made to hire a new employee, conduct a detailed orientation, discussing the company policies and procedures. From there the employee should be fully trained on their job responsibilities. They should be taken on a tour of the building(s) they are to clean, and should never be left to do the job without adequate supervision and training during the first week.

    6. Lack of Employee Training

    The best thing an employer can do in any industry is to invest in training programs for their employees. Consistent training of each employee is extremely important; otherwise you're likely to wonder why one employee does a great job, and another is seriously lacking in the ability to clean properly. The answer usually comes back to inconsistent training.

    Invest in a standardized training program. Make sure each supervisor is thoroughly trained in the program and is taught how to train each employee. The training program should be broken down into sections: trashing, dusting, restroom cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, etc. After each employee is trained on a section, have them sign off, demonstrating that they have been trained and understand the procedures. By following each step consistently, it's less likely that an employee will come back and say, "I was never told to do that!"

    Follow-up and review is equally important. Go back after 30, 60, and 90 days and review each section with the employee. Repetition will help them to retain what they've been trained to do.

    Your training should not stop there - have ongoing training for all employees throughout the year on various trouble areas and also on safety issues. Also consider offering an employee newsletter that addresses training.

    7. Lack of Industry Knowledge

    Many new business owners started their business because they have worked in the industry previously. This is usually true of owners of cleaning companies. Some were supervisors for another company, and some might even have worked for a time as a part-time custodian and decided that owning this type of business would be easy enough to do.

    Now that you are a cleaning business owner, it's time to dig deeper into the industry and learn as much as possible in order to be one step ahead of the competition, and to stay on top of industry trends. Some of the things you can do to learn more about the industry is to subscribe to trade magazines and read them religiously, join membership groups ( would be a great start), do research on the Internet, and get to know other people in the industry. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when you can learn from others who are willing to share their success stories with you.

    8. Not Knowing the Competition

    Many business owners start their business without giving a second thought to who their competition is and what they're up to. Some of the things you should be aware of are:

    *who are they and how long have they been in business?

    *are they independent or a franchise?

    *what is their target market and are they in direct competition with you?

    *what are their strengths and weaknesses?

    Knowing some of these things can give you an edge when going up against them in a bid situation. Also keep in mind that you don't always have to look at other cleaning companies as competition. Consider becoming referral partners with companies who do not directly compete with you on bidding contracts. For example, if you specialize in cleaning office buildings and another cleaning company specializes in medical facilities, you're each likely to get leads on other jobs that could be referred to each other's specialy. Remember, being independent doesn't mean going it alone.

    Steve Hanson is co-founding member of The Janitorial Store (TM), an online community for owners and managers of cleaning companies who want to build a more profitable and successful cleaning business. Sign up for Trash Talk: Tip of the Week at and receive a Free Gift!

    Wednesday, May 28, 2008

    Roof Cleaning - Making Your Old Roof Look Like New!

    Many Florida residents that have come from the North are surprised by the idea of roof cleaning - and even more surprised by the fact that many communities here in Florida require it. Reasons for cleaning include aesthetics, property values, energy efficiency, and increased longevity of the roof.

    Whatever the main reason, if it is going to be done, it is your best interest to know what choices are available to you. A quality roof should last upwards of 30 years if cared for and maintained properly. Unfortunately, many roofs here in Florida (and increasingly throughout the US) are subjected to unnecessary stress while cleaning the greatly reduces the life expectancy of the roof. With repeated roof cleaning comes certain pitfalls that every homeowner, property manager, and professional cleaner should be aware of in order to avoid damage to property, unnecessary repair costs, and the premature replacement of the roof.


    The black streaking typically found on homes in areas where moisture settles on shingles is not caused by mildew or fungus; it’s roof algae. 3M scientists have identified the most common form as Gloeocapsa Magma. Algae spores are carried b the wind, which is why so many houses in the neighborhood can end up with this problem. During the last 20 years, this particular algae strain has become hardier and so has been able to migrate to less humid environments than it has in the past. And in areas where it traditionally has been found, the staining is showing up earlier, is more severe and settles on a greater number of roofs.


    Typical roof cleaning methods involve either pressure cleaning or chemical solutions containing Chlorine Bleach or Sodium Hydroxide. If used properly, these methods will clean the roof with minimal adverse impact - but the effects can be very temporary and will generally have to be repeated every 6-18 months in order to maintain the appearance of the roof.


    Each method has its advantages and disadvantages.

    A chlorine and water solution can be used followed by a thorough rinse. Of course, since chlorine can be toxic to people and plants, proper care should be taken to protect employees and the surrounding property from overspray and runoff. The benefits to using chlorine include a much faster cleaning process and minimal rinsing as compared to other methods. This translates into much less wear & tear on the roof - particularly asphalt shingle roofs.

    Sodium Hydroxide based cleaners are generally advertised as safer for the landscaping, but sodium hydroxide is caustic, very toxic, and care should also be used to protect employees and surrounding property. Sodium hydroxide is also a very effective degreaser. So high levels of sodium hydroxide in a cleaning product can cause damage to an asphalt shingle roof that can be irreversible. These products generally require much more rinsing than the chlorine method. The rinsing process is not only time consuming, but it can also be potentially damaging to the roof if not done correctly. A quality sodium hydroxide based product should not require any more than 100 psi to effectively rinse an asphalt shingle roof and even then some granule loss should be expected.

    Pressure cleaning is an option that should only be used on a concrete, barrel tile, or metal roofs. Pressure cleaning has the advantage of not requiring chemicals, which eliminates some of the cost - in addition to landscaping and chemical exposure concerns. The down side to pressure cleaning is that it is very time consuming and it exerts tremendous force on a surface that is not really designed to handle it. In addition, repeated pressure cleaning can wear away the surface of some tiles that are only covered by a thin layer of coloring. When this happens, the grey concrete color starts to show through and the roof must be stained or painted.


    While these methods are relatively safe and effective when done properly, repeated use will lead to premature aging of the roof. The natural erosion that occurs over tie from the basic forces of heat, cold, wind, and rain alone are enough to weaken most roofs to the point where annual inspections and minor repairs are necessary to prevent significant repair costs. But when the roof is repeatedly subjected to high pressure or harsh chemicals, the aging of the roof structure is significantly accelerated. With repeated cleaning, tiles are more likely to shift, slip, or break and asphalt shingles are more likely to become brittle and crack. When this happens, there is a greater likelihood of tearing the roof membrane simply by walking on the roof. Once gaps are created in the roof and subsequent pressure cleaning or chemical cleaning takes place, these gaps provide the water or caustic solutions a path to the roof membrane and increase the chance of costly roof leaks.


    A proper program of preventative maintenance will eliminate the need for future cleaning and the potential for damage that comes along with it. Preventing the recurrence of the algae growth will require a light spray of chlorine and water or an algae prevention product.

    Most quality algaecides will last for approximately 6-12 months before reapplication of the product is necessary. Obviously, the longer the time frame, the better your chances are of minimizing and unnecessary damage to the roof. Prevention programs should be done in conjunction with neighbors whenever possible and many can be applied without a need for walking on the roof.

    One important mote about algaecides: Algaecide products are regulated at both the state and federal level. Any algaecide product used on a roof requires EPA registration as a pesticide or biocide and approval for use on a roof. Contractors found violating the law in this regard cold find themselves facing fines up to $10,000. per occurrence.

    John Browne

    Roof-A-Cide, Inc.

    For additional information on Professional Roof Cleaning and Algae Prevention, please visit our webstite: or call

    Overcoming Objections When Selling Your Cleaning Service

    When talking with prospective customers for your cleaning business, you're bound to have objections. To minimize objections, it helps to know why people raise them in the first place. Here are some of the main reasons for objections:

    *Your presentation was weak and didn't fully answer their questions

    *You didn't establish trust or credibility

    *You didn't establish need

    *You didn't completely qualify the buyer (you didn't do enough research on this prospective customer)

    Why do so many people struggle with handling objections and why are there so many objections to overcome in the first place?

    *Lack of product knowledge

    *Lack of sales training and techniques

    *Lack of self-confidence

    *Not prepared, didn't practice

    The best way to overcome objections is to prevent them from coming up in the first place.

    *Make a list of every possible objection you can think of. Think about past sales calls you've made and write down the objections you've received.

    *Write down your responses to your list of objections.

    *Incorporate your answers into your presentation so you've answered the objections before your prospect has a chance to bring it up.

    *After rehearsing your presentation, try role-playing with a colleague, friend or family member.

    *Try out your presentation on prospects. Make any needed revisions and track what works and what doesn't.

    You might want to incorporate some of the following into your presentation:

    *Use real-life stories of similar situations. For example, if you had another customer that made the purchase despite having the same objection, use that example in your presentation.

    *Use testimonials. Perhaps you had a customer that had a price objection initially, and then later realized that he actually ended up saving money. Prospects might not believe it when you tell them the story yourself, but if you have a written testimonial from someone else, it's much more powerful.

    *Offer a comparison chart - your service versus the competition.

    *Use phrases like, "Our experience has shown..."

    *Use a phrase like, "Our existing customers had similar concerns, so in response to their concerns, here's what we did..."

    Cleaning companies often find themselves having to overcome price objections. The important thing to remember is to discuss the value you provide to the customer before you start talking about price. This is why we stress talking about benefits rather than features. Benefits show value, and people are willing to pay more if they perceive the value to be high.

    Try this exercise. Take a blank sheet of paper and make a list of the features you offer. Underneath each feature, write down the benefit the customer will receive. For example:

    Feature: Bonded and insured

    Benefit: Peace of mind that your contractor has taken steps to protect the building and its contents.

    Feature: Employee training

    Benefit: Employees take pride in their work and stay with their job longer when they receive training. This means the customer's building will receive higher quality of work with more consistency.

    Feature: Building Inspections

    Benefit: We make sure the quality of service is up to your standards so you don't have to spend time worrying about it.

    Feature: Managing supplies

    Benefit: You don't have to worry about running out of supplies or spend time picking up or ordering supplies.

    Feature: Cleaning certifications

    Benefit: Peace of mind, knowing that we're experts in our field. We're not experimenting with procedures on your furniture and flooring. When you need something done, all you have to do is ask.

    This exercise should get you thinking more about the specific benefits that you need to talk about with the prospect. When he sees the value you offer, he'll have a better understanding of why your prices are what they are and will be less likely to object to your price.

    What do you do if the objection has nothing to do with your service, but the simple fact that the prospect is happy with his current contractor? You need to start asking some key questions that will get the prospect thinking about why he should start shopping around, even if he's happy with the current contractor. Here are some tips for getting more information:

    *Find out what is it about the current contractor he's happy with. What are they doing right? What does he like most about the contractor?

    *Ask what changes he would make if he could.

    *Question his selection process (not his selection!) Ask him by what standards does he judge his contractors by?

    *You need to show a difference between your business and the current contractor. For example, perhaps you're using new technology that the current contractor doesn't have -- a telephone timekeeping system. This technology pages supervisors if an employee doesn't show up for work. This ensures their building will never miss a service.

    *Ask if he regularly shops around for all his products and services. After all, don't we owe it to our business to make sure we seek out the best value regularly for all our goods and services? By doing this, it also keeps vendors and service providers on their toes if they know they're not guaranteed the business.

    *If you offer a service the current contractor doesn't offer, see if you can get your foot in the door by offering a sample service. For example, if you offer hard floor care, and the current contractor doesn't, offer to strip and wax a section of a floor in order to demonstrate your services. Perhaps you can get that piece of their business.

    Preparation and practice is really the key to overcoming objections. Unless you're a seasoned sales veteran, you'll likely be nervous when calling on prospects. However the more knowledge you gain about your business and the more you work on your sales skills, the easier it will get. Before you know it, you'll have a great system down and will be getting as much business as you can handle!

    Steve Hanson is co-founding member of The Janitorial Store (TM), an online community for owners and managers of cleaning companies who want to build a more profitable and successful cleaning business. Sign up for Trash Talk: Tip of the Week at and receive a Free Gift! Read cleaning success stories from owners of cleaning companies at

    Are You Still Sleeping with That Pain in The Neck

    There are many sleeping pillows to choose from, cotton, wool, latex, polyester or natural filling like goose down. Most pillows come soft, medium and firm. A down bedding specialist will carry high quality goose down that will stay lofty. You will be able to try many pillows with different qualities of goose down and each a different firmness. Generally, people who are stomach sleepers require a soft pillow, back sleepers a medium pillow and side sleepers a firm pillow, unless they are petite then a medium would be better. Some down bedding specialists will offer the service of adjusting the pillow once you have slept on it a few nights. Now that’s the perfect sleeping pillow.

    A high quality goose down pillow with the right amount of filling will cradle your head and keep your head at the correct angle for a good night’s sleep. A high quality white goose down and the proper care will prevent the pillow from flattening out, keeping the loft to support your head and spine in the correct alignment. Regular cleaning and conditioning (not washing or dry-cleaning) by a down specialist will not only sanitize the down, it will re-fluff it and keep it lofty, and remove any dust. You should clean your down pillows about every 3 - 4 years to keep them fresh and fluffy. Choose a high threadcount for the casing to ensure the down will not “leak” out. Swiss Batiste is the lightest, most durable and the most downproof material with a very high threadcount. Any cotton cambric 300 and over will be very durable and downproof.

    So for that all important personal pillow, get what you really need for a perfect night’s sleep. Choose a high quality Eiderdown or white goose down pillow and have it made just for you. You will be rewarded with years of sleeping without that pain in the neck. Once you have your perfect pillow, get an extra one for traveling. You will not want to be without it.

    Lisa Stevens is a Comfort Specialist at The Down Store, 238 E.58th St. New York, New York 10022. Since 1973 she has been offering her expertise in the selection and care of luxury down bedding to all who visit or call 1-800-USA-DOWN.

    Tuesday, May 27, 2008

    Colon Cleaning UV Light; a Concept

    Colon Cancer is a killer and about the only way to prevent it from killing you early in life is to detect it in the beginning stages in order to treat it. There are many foods you can eat to keep your colon working well and keep out the bad bacteria build up. Eating right and staying away from vices can help you prevent colon cancer. Here is a concept, which may help kill unwanted harmful bacteria in the colon. This idea stems from the new advances and innovations of UV light to clean water. The only problem is how do you get light where the catch phrase says; “. . . Where the Sun Don’t Shine,” well here is a thought that perhaps some savvy science major, academic or innovative medical entrepreneur might want to look into?

    UV Light is being used to kill bacteria in water filtration applications. It works so well many sewer treatment plants are using huge units to clear bacteria out of the water prior to allowing it to re-enter the ground water, river or ocean. Hospitals have also used UV light to kill bacteria; there are indeed so many applications for such technologies. Perhaps we ought to look into a small marble sized battery operated UV light Device. One, which can be ingested to clean out unwanted bacteria in the stomach and potentially prevent cancer as well. The small marble size device will pass thru the entire system into the stool, cleaning as it goes. Then the patient can merely eat some yogurt and other various things to put the good bacteria back into the system. I propose that the marble sized unit UV light flash a the best cycle for good bacteria and/or the worst cycle for bad bacteria. Ranges near or at 5-8 Hz.

    There are many super small batteries, which can be used and the unit could be as small as an M & M candy or could be ingested with many of these little guys at a time on a relatively empty stomach. It will clean out the stomach, small intestines, large intestines and the colon using this UV light. It could be a very simple process and very inexpensive. Although it may not sound all too pretty the units could be used over and over again, by washing them in a set of small plastic containers and shaking them up. Similar to the old contact lenses; Saline solution and/or rubbing alcohol and then rinsing, turn them on and re-use or trade back into the doctors office for official service, recharging of batteries and complete sterilization. If you would like a more complete report on my idea, contact me.

    Lance Winslow

    Selling for Concrete Cleaning Companies

    If you own a concrete cleaning company then you know it is important to do sales. The most important thing when doing selling for a concrete company is to go out and look at the properties that the property management company or corporation gave you on a list.

    When walking the property you need to make sure that there are ways that you can do the services efficiently and cut your costs in order to lower the cost to the customer and win the bid against the competition. But more importantly it is important that you know certain things on all the properties and explain to the property management company that you will be able to clean those areas and that they should not be a problem.

    It is also important to stop in at a few of the companies that lease property from the property management company and ask them what kind of problems they are experiencing and what kind of things they would like cleaned on the property. A property management company is interested in making sure that you can keep their renters happy.

    When selling concrete cleaning services to corporations and property management companies these companies need to make sure that you will not cause a slip and fall incident and that you have the proper reliability insurance requirements in case something happens. They also want to make sure that you will not make noise or do pressure washing during company hours and disturb their clients and renters. Please consider all this in 2006.

    Lance Winslow

    Pewter 3 Kinds With Only 1 Cleaning Technique

    Pewter is enjoying a comeback as a popular choice for practical, functional eating and drinking utensils, and also as beautiful decorative pieces to add interest and function in modern living spaces. Knowing how to care for time honored and new pewter products will help family members enjoy favorite pieces for many generations.

    There are typically 3 kinds of finish that are used on pewter products.

    Polished Finish: smooth with a shiny surface

    Satin Finish: grainy with a mellow patina or softer look

    Oxidized Finish: dark with an antique look

    All 3 types of pewter may be cleaned 2-3 times per year, or after each use, using just 1 technique.

    Simply wash the pewter piece with warm water and use a mild soap. Immediately after washing, completely dry the pewter it with a soft cotton cloth.

    Both polished and satin finished pewter pieces may also be cared for by using another simple cleaning method.

    Polished pewter can also be cleaned 2-3 times a year by following 3 easy steps:

    1.rubbing the pewter piece in a circular motion with a soft cotton cloth and a pewter polish, then

    2.washing the pewter with warm water and a mild soap, finally

    3.drying the pewter immediately and completely with a soft cotton cloth

    Similarly, satin finished pewter can be cleaned 2-3 times a year by following these 3 easy steps:

    1.buffing the piece with a fine grade of steel wool, rubbing in the direction of the grain, and pressing very lightly., then

    2.washing the pewter in warm water using with a mild soap, finally

    3.drying the pewter immediately and completely with a soft cotton cloth.

    It is important that you do not wash any kind of pewter in an automatic dishwasher. You may find a problem of pitting and staining showing on your pewter pieces because of the high heat used in automatic dishwashers. Another problem is that other utensils may come into contact with the pewter, causing the pewter to be damaged.

    By timing and using the correct cleaning technique, your pewter pieces will give you decades of care-free use.

    Janet Chesal is an internet marketing specialist, a neurolinguistic program master practioner, a personal change consultant, trainer, and an admirer of all things pewter. She is the owner of CLASact (Creating Learning And Skills activation), and co-owner of Bizfare Enterprise Inc.( providing internet and business marketing and consulting services. She also co-owns a number of e-commerce web-sites: CoolComfortWear( and PewterExpressions( that sell clothing and pewter collectibles respectively.

    Monday, May 26, 2008

    Options for Cleaning Your Carpet

    A majority of the dry soil can be removed by vacuum cleaning. However, you need to clean your carpet on a regular basis to get rid of the oily, sticky soil that builds up in the pile. Odors and dirt that is tracked in from outside create this sticky soil.

    If you clean your carpet before it becomes terrible, the cleaning job will be easier to accomplish and very much successful. The carpet with the average family should be cleaned every 12 - 18 months. It depends on the number of persons living in the home and the amount of traffic that walks on the carpet.

    Choosing the right vacuum is crucial as well. Certain vacuums leave residues behind, which helps re-soiling.

    Your best option is to hire professional carpet cleaners because their experience will allow them to do a much better job than you can do yourself. Professional cleaners use the equipment that has more extraction power and the carpet will dry faster as well. They know what cleaning agents to employ, and they understand the differences in carpet fibers.

    If you have decided to do the job yourself and rent a steam cleaning machine, you should try out a number of systems before you make a choice. A good number of the rented units do not clean properly enough and may damage your carpet. For that reason, you should always take into account the following:

    - Some rental companies provide cleaning equipment that is similar to what the professionals use. The equipment should produce a sufficient amount of vacuum power to allow the carpet to dry within 12 hours of cleaning. Avoid units that do not produce the power to remove the cleaning solution from the carpet fast enough, since it can hurt your carpet because of over wetting.

    - Do not over wet your carpet. Any extended dampness can cause mildew growth and bacteria in the carpet, or bring about a separation of the backing. A carpet that stays wet for longer than one day can cause problems.

    - If you plan stain resistant treatments, your carpet must be cleaned with products thatare formulated for this task. Do not use cleaning or spotting solutions that contain bleaches because they can ruin the color of the carpet.

    - Do not use silicone based treatments on your carpet.

    The system called hot water extraction is strongly recommended. It is considered one of the best methods for carpet cleaning. This system is also known as steam cleaning. You spray a mixture of water and detergent into the pile and recover the water and soil with a strong vacuum. This system is perfect for soiled carpets or pet stains.

    Protect your carpet against paint drips, snow, mud, dirt, stains, and heavy traffic conditions. Read about plastic carpet protections as well as temporary carpet protection.

    Organziation Tip - Getting Kids to Clean Rooms

    I think we've all been there at one point in time. The toys are spread out on the floor and it's time to pick up. You ask once to clean up their toys only to hear protests and excuses. This time "Because I said so" may not do the trick.

    Here's some ideas on how to handle situations such as this:

    1. Don't Give In

    This is an important one. They learn nothing if you pick up their toys for them. Do not leave the room until the job is done. If you pick up for them, they will never take you seriously. Children even 2 years old can pick up after themselves (I've witnessed this!)

    2. Don't Take No For An Answer

    Back talking sould never been accepted. If things begin to get out of control (fits, crying, screaming, firm "no's"), a punishment is in order. Be firm, be the parent. They might not be too happy with you at the moment, but they'll thank you later on.

    3. Make a Game

    If it's a daily struggle, try making a game out of picking up. Give them a time limit, see how many of certain toys they can put away, etc. The more fun for them the better and easier it will be on all of you.

    4. Take Away Toys

    If nothing else is working, don't be afraid to remove toys. If they can't take care of it by putting it away, they loose it. We have a special storage room just for "off limit" toys.

    5. Rewards

    If your children pick up without complaints and do a good job, reward them. Bring back toys taken away, make a special snack, play a special game. Stickers also make for nice rewards if given in moderation.

    While it may not be easy for any of you sometime, remember you are the parent! Don't give up, raising children takes time.

    Kara Kelso is the mother of 2 and owner of several online businesses. For more recipe ideas like this, visit:

    Attention New Moms - A Few Useful Household Cleaning Tips

    I hope these tips help you save time and make your
    life as a new mom a lot easier.

    New Moms have to look after the new child, work and
    prepare for meals. Added to this is the need for
    them to maintain a very neat and tidy home.

    For a new mom to be able to get all these feats
    in less time and with less effort, it pays to learn a few
    house cleaning tips which will work in every home situation.

    During cleaning, it pays to clean the upper part of an
    object before the lower one, else you will have to clean
    what you just cleaned all over again.

    It is suggested to finish each activity before you go the next one.
    When you approach work this way, you have the opportunity
    to assess what you have just done and determine whether it
    needs to be done again or not. Again, finishing one job
    before moving on to the next one will ensure that you do
    not leave any work unfinished totally.

    Save on time. Whilst the dishwasher is cleaning the
    plates, you can be wiping the window sills so that no time
    is wasted.

    Dusting should be done with extra care. Avoid using dry
    dusters for they leave fibers on the objects they clean.
    It works best to use moist cloth as they trap the dust
    into the cloth. These days there are even
    electrostatically-charged cleaning cloths which
    will keep the dust to the cloth and prevent it
    from swirling in the air.

    If you are buying mops, try to get one with a squeezer
    so you can always draw the water comfortably after a mop.
    It is also advisable to get a graduated mop so you can
    easily measure the detergent ratios in the bucket.

    Keep brooms in their holders. Don't let them stand on
    the brushes as that will destroy the shape of the
    bristles and make them difficult to sweep with.

    These Household Cleaning Tips will ensure that you give
    that beautiful shine to your home. A new mom will find
    these tips useful as they will help to cut down on time,
    do multiple activities at the same time and use the time
    saved to look after their child.

    For more House Cleaning Resources
    visit us at:

    Author: Edna Melendez

    (c) Copyright 2005.

    Sunday, May 25, 2008

    Duct Cleaning Benefits

    As a qualified duct cleaning contractor I have discovered that most homeowners feel that they are very uninformed when it come to the basic benefits of Air Duct Cleaning.

    Below is a quick dozen reasons why one should consider having their home’s air duct system professionally cleaned.

    1) 9 out of 10 system failures are caused by dirt and dust. (Lces) louisiana cooperative extension service.

    2) Clean systems restore capacity and lessen running time. Translation: savings on monthly heating/cooling bills. (Lces)

    3) A buildup of .042 inches of dirt on heating or cooling coil can result in a decrease in efficiency of 21%. (Epa) environmental protection agency.

    4) Most commercially purchased fiberglass filters are only 7% efficient in stopping dirt, dust, pollen, etc. Passing through it. (Ashrae)

    5) 50% of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air. (American college of allergists)

    6) One out of six people who suffer from allergies do so because of the direct relationship to the fungi and bacteria in air duct systems. (Total health & better health magazines)

    7) Legionnaire’s disease was spawned in air conditioning ducts. It killed 29 people in 1976. (American lung assoc)

    8) In the summer of 1988 at least 7 people died in the los angeles area from legionnaire’s disease. (Modesto bee 9/22/88)

    9) Children are more likely than adults to be affected by polluted indoor-air they breathe faster, inhale more air per unit of body weight and are closer to the ground where concentrations are higher. (Dept. Of consumer affairs)

    10) The elderly, asthmatics, and people with breathing problems, allergies, and lung diseases are also likely to be more sensitive to pollutants. (Dept. Of consumer affairs)

    11) Most people spend 60-90% of their time indoors. (Ala) american lung association

    12) Indoor air is found to be up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. (Epa) environmental protection agency

    Duct Cleaning Could be the Healthiest Home Improvement You Will Ever Make!

    Pat Johnson - President of Enviro-Pure Air Care
    Duct Cleaning located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Duct Cleaning - Proper Principals and Practices

    As a qualified duct cleaning contractor I have discovered that most homeowners feel that they are very uninformed when it come to the principals and practices of proper air duct cleaning hygiene.

    Let me begin by saying that the EPA as well as the National air duct cleaners association have stated that residential duct cleaning should take no less than between 4 and 8 hours to complete, anything short of that and you are probably not getting a thorough job.

    Consumers are cautioned against duct cleaning companies that claim to be able to clean your entire air duct system in a very short period of time and for an unrealistic low price, in this industry that kind of service is completely unacceptable and is known as the blo-n-go style of duct cleaning.

    Remember...anything short of between 4 and 8 hours and you are probably not getting what you're paying for.

    Many homeowners are also under the impression that the main ducts and primary vents are the only components that require cleaning, However this is not the case, a thorough duct cleaning must include any internal surface in which the air moves across, this not only includes the main ducts and vents but must also include the conveyance compartment of the furnace/AC, heat exchanger, AC coils, drain pan, blower, filter housing and any air cleaning equipment that might be installed.

    The only acceptable method of proper air duct cleaning is to put the entire system under negative air (vacuum) by means of a powerful vacuum system that produces no less than 2000 cubic feet per minute of air flow (cfm), each individual vent shaft should be cleaned using a combination of high pressure air snakes, rotating brushes and whips which must be driven by a compressor that will deliver no less than 175 psi @
    12-16 cfm.

    In conclusion, when choosing a qualified air duct cleaning company be sure to ask if they their technicians and equipment meet the above criteria and always get a few references, it is also recommended that you contact your local better business bureau or chamber of commerce.

    Duct Cleaning Could be the Healthiest Home Improvement You Will Ever Make!

    Pat Johnson - President of Enviro-Pure Air Care Duct Cleaning,
    located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

    Do You Have a Generation Gap at Your Cleaning Company

    In today's workforce there is a new phenomenon happening - there are four distinct generations that are out there working together. What does this mean for your cleaning company? Each generation is unique, which means they bring different attitudes and opinions to their job. This affects you in everything from recruiting to solving conflicts to motivating your cleaning company employees.

    To understand what motivates each group, it is important to take a step back and look at their values in general:

    The Traditionalists or veterans group were born before 1946 and are now 60 years or older. This is a postwar generation and their nature is to be loyal to a single employer and they expect the same loyalty in return. This generation typically did not grow up with material wealth and they tend to be frugal. As far as the workplace, they show up on time and they take orders well. The Traditionalists show respect to their employers as well as their elders.

    Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964. They are the biggest group out in the workforce today. These are the children of the Traditionalists. This group grew up with little in the way of toys or nice clothes, and because of that vowed to make sure their children grew up with everything they didn't have. This group grew up earning an allowance and understand the principle of working hard to earn a living.

    Generation X - Gen Xers were born between 1965 and 1980. They are the children of the Baby Boomers. Many individuals in this group grew up with both parents working. This generation saw their parents go through layoffs and noticed that often their parents were miserable in their jobs. So they naturally formed an opinion of having their home life first and the job second. This group pushed for flexible hours and 4-day workweeks. Their priority is to have a job they enjoy and to have fun at work.

    Generation Y (also called Millennials or Generation Next) was born between 1981 and 1999 and are just starting to enter the workforce. It is believed that this is a very creative generation and they want to work where they are allowed creativity and flexibility, and the ability to control their own hours. This generation tends to bore quickly and will have several careers in their lifetime. They need more incentive than just a paycheck to do a good job and be a loyal employee.

    The rewards and feedback an employee wants from a job also varies depending on the generation:

    - The Traditionalists get satisfaction from a job well done.

    - The Baby Boomers tend not to appreciate verbal feedback, but want monetary rewards and promotions.

    - The Generation X group will ask how they are doing, and want rewards in the form of time off.

    - The newest group to enter the workforce, Generation Y wants meaningful work and instant feedback.

    For motivation:

    - The Traditionalists are looking for someone who appreciates their experience and knowledge.

    - Baby Boomers are looking for employers to say that they are needed and valued.

    - The Generation X'ers want to be told they can do things their own way and to forget about rules and guidelines.

    - And the Generation Y'ers are motivated by working with other creative individuals.

    So what does all of this mean to you as the owner of a cleaning company? It's important for you to remember that each generation has distinct values and needs and that they are looking for different types of motivation and rewards from their employment.

    To effectively manage various generations, you have to provide the type of incentives that match what each generation is looking for. For example, a Baby Boomer might appreciate a monetary bonus for a job well done whereas a Gen X'er wants a paid day off. Although it takes a little extra work, it is worth the effort to match up the rewards with the generation to keep your employees happy and loyal to your cleaning company.

    Copyright 2006 The Janitorial Store

    Steve Hanson is co-founder of, an online community for owners of cleaning companies. Sign up for Trash Talk:Tip of the Week at Read success stories at

    Saturday, May 24, 2008

    Professional Carpet Cleaning Methods

    Besides general cleaning, having their carpets professionally cleaned is one of the services your customers will probably ask for most often. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) states that the overall objective of carpet cleaning is to remove soil. This helps extend the life of the carpet and, of course, makes the whole building look cleaner. There are four primary cleaning methods: absorbent compound method; bonnet cleaning method; hot water extraction method; and dry foam cleaning method. The particular carpet cleaning method you select will be determined on the type of carpet, the carpet's use, and the condition of the carpet.

    Absorbent Compound Method:

    This method is sometimes called the "dry cleaning method" as almost no water is used. After vacuuming thoroughly, distribute a dry absorbent compound (which contains small amounts of water, detergent and solvent) uniformly over the carpet and work it into the carpet with a machine. The cleaner attracts and absorbs the soil. Then use the machine to agitate the compound through the carpet.

    When the carpet is dry, vacuum thoroughly to ensure you remove the compound from the carpet. You should use a vacuum with a high efficiency filtering system. This cleaning method has a fast drying time -- only 30 to 60 minutes.

    Bonnet Cleaning Method:

    After vacuuming thoroughly, apply a detergent solution to the carpet and bonnet. Then remove the solution by using a bonnet or absorbent pad, which is attached to a pad drive on a slow speed (175 rpm) rotary floor machine.

    As the machine agitates, the soil is loosened and absorbed by the bonnet. Pay attention to the condition of the bonnet as large soil accumulations will hinder the cleaning process. After bonneting, you must apply a neutralizer on the carpet using a pump-up sprayer. This method has a fast drying time – 30 to 45 minutes.

    Hot Water Extraction Method:

    After thoroughly vacuuming the carpet, apply a detergent solution to the carpet using a pump-up sprayer and give dwell time. Remove the solution by rinsing with hot water, using a portable or a truck-mounted extraction unit. Mist on a neutralizer after extracting.

    Several extraction passes may be needed to completely rinse the suspended soil and detergent. The drying time for this method is 1 to 3 hours. To quicken the drying process, you can follow up with a dry bonnet and fans.

    Dry Foam Cleaning Method:

    This is also a minimum moisture type method. After vacuuming thoroughly, apply a dense foam to the carpet with a mechanical brush. The agitation of the chemical is done during the application process.

    After a suitable dwell time, use a carpet extractor to remove the excess foam and the suspended soils. Once the carpet is thoroughly dry, you may need to vacuum to extract any remaining detergent residue. The expected drying time is one to three hours; however, it can be longer for any heavily soiled areas.

    Remember, these are specific carpet cleaning methods and do not include the "start to finish" procedures that are necessary for successful cleaning. Routine vacuuming, pre-conditioning and other procedures are essential parts of the cleaning process. The particular carpet cleaning method that works for one building may not be suitable for another. Carpets should be cleaned before a soiled traffic lane appears. A carpet that is extremely soiled may result in irreversible damage. Do your homework as the carpets in different buildings may need different types of care. A well cared for carpet not only keeps your customers buildings looking good, but also keeps your cash flowing!

    Copyright 2006 The Janitorial Store

    Steve Hanson is co-founder of, an online community for owners of cleaning companies. Sign up for Trash Talk:Tip of the Week at Read success stories at

    Keep That Hard-Drive Clean, Would You

    Your PC, just like your home, office or car, needs to be cleaned regularly. Find out what software solutions will do that unwanted task for you, so your computer stays fast, "healthy" and fully functional.

    4DiskClean Gold (RSS Systems)

    4Diskclean Gold finds and fixes PC problems fast, keeping your system running at peak performance and reliability, and properly maintains Windows to prevent problems altogether.

    Here is what the software does. It deletes unnecessary files and temporary folders, fixes invalid Windows registry keys, eliminates duplicate files (like duplicate mp3 songs), erases all internet files (browser cache, history, & cookies), autocleans Internet Explorer cache on browser exit, blocks spyware, adware and bad cookies (2990 items). In addition to that, 4DiskClean Gold cleans all windows shortcuts that point to non-existing files.

    AceUtilities (AceLogics Software)

    Ace Utilities is a set of system-maintenance and optimization utilities for enhancing Windows performance. The program cleans unneeded junk, temp and obsolete files from your disks using disk cleaner, as well as cleans browser and application history, cache, temp files, cookies etc. Beyond that, Ace Utilities it controls the applications that start automatically with Windows, using startup organizer and fixes broken start menu and desktop shortcuts. The app can be used to remove true duplicate files
    or to uninstall applications correctly.

    East-Tec Eraser (EAST Technologies)

    East-Tec Erasers is not just a cleaner, rather it completely destroys information stored without your knowledge or approval: Internet history, Web pages and pictures from sites visited on the Internet, unwanted cookies, chatroom conversations, deleted e-mail messages, temporary files, the Windows swap file, the Recycle Bin, previously deleted files, valuable corporate trade secrets, business plans, personal files, photos or confidential letters, etc.

    East-Tec Eraser 2005 offers full support for popular browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, America Online, MSN Explorer, Opera), for Peer2Peer applications (Kazaa, Kazaa Lite, iMesh, Napster, Morpheus, Direct Connect, Limewire, Shareaza, etc.), and for other popular programs such as Windows Media Player, RealPlayer, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, etc. Eraser has an intuitive interface and wizards that guide you through all the necessary steps needed to protect your privacy and sensitive information.

    Clean Disk Security (Kevin Solway Software)

    Clean Disk Security gives you secure file deletion, making sure that deleted files cannot be undeleted again. Deleting a file normally just removes the file's directory entry, but the data itself remains on the disk. This program completely eliminates the contents of deleted files. The highly acclaimed Gutmann disk cleaning method is now available as an option. This program can also clean the Window's swap file, and can optionally clean unneeded temporary files from your hard disk, such as your Internet browser cache, files in your system's Recycle Bin, and can clear the "recent files" list.

    More Informatin on these applications:

    John Deprice maintains a comprehensive list of disk cleaning applications at

    How to Decide What to Pay Your Cleaning Employees

    As your cleaning business grows, one of the first things you will have to do is hire employees. Of course, this means that you must decide on how much you are going to pay before you start interviewing and hiring new cleaning staff. As a business owner you may have times that you work more hours and make less per hour than your paid staff. However, you are investing your time and efforts not just into current cleaning accounts, but also into the growth of the company. You cannot expect your employees to act like an owner when it comes to payment for their services.

    Pay packages have few rules and hourly wages go up and down depending on the geographic area you live in and the potential employee's experience. Wages also depend on the current condition of the job market (are there more jobs than employees or vice versa). Typically, entry-level wages in the cleaning industry have been towards the low-end of the pay scale. A recent survey in CM/Cleaning & Maintenance Management Magazine showed that wages for cleaning workers range from $7.80 per hour to $9.51 per hour, with the overall average starting wage being $8.63 per hour. This can, of course, be higher or lower depending on specific circumstances and in what part of the country you run your cleaning business.

    How do you figure out what a job is worth? First off, remember that you are investing in your employees today to have a more profitable cleaning business in the future. With any luck you will hire employees who are willing to learn and grow with your business. Before setting your pay scale consider the following:

    1. If you already have employees, what are your current pay practices? You don't want to be hiring new employees and paying them the same or more than your current employees who are already trained. Look at your payroll records for the past year or two and see how much of your overall expenses you are paying out in salaries.

    2. Make sure you have job descriptions. Just a title such as “janitor” is not acceptable. You need an accurate job description that specifically lists the key responsibilities and duties of that position.

    3. Find out what your competition is paying. This may require a little digging on your part. You can check with your local job service or workforce center to see if they have a salary survey for the area. If no survey is available, check out classified ads, the local chamber or other professional organizations in your area. An online resource for salary estimates is

    4. Set the salary ranges for your various positions. You may have a Level 1 Maintenance position, Level 2 Maintenance position, Lead Person, and Supervisor. After you have an idea of the salaries that your competitors are paying, set a suitable salary range for each position.

    5. Decide on any bonuses, perks or training expenses you will pay. With a small cleaning business you may not be able to provide health insurance, but consider other incentives that you can give to get and keep employees. You can provide bonuses or paid days off for reaching performance goals or not missing any days within a certain time frame. You could also give discounts on products, or pay for attending training seminars and workshops.

    However you decide to set the wages, remember to think ahead. You don't want your employee to hit the salary cap in six months or a year. You need to have enough steps in each pay scale to allow flexibility for an employee's performance. A motivated employee who is doing a great job may advance two steps, while an employee who is just "getting by" may be pushed up just one step on the pay scale.

    When you are ready to get that new employee on board, make sure they have a copy of the job description and pay policy in writing. This can be a short, 2-3 page document, or part of a comprehensive employee manual. Having everything in writing will help you to avoid confusion or disagreements later.

    It's not an easy task figuring out how much to pay your cleaning employees so you not only make a profit, but so you can recruit and hire dependable and qualified employees. The cleaning business typically has a higher turnover and you may find yourself needing to hire new employees regularly. Doing your homework beforehand and having a set of written job descriptions and salary ranges will make it easier when you offer a candidate a job with your cleaning business.

    Copyright 2006 The Janitorial Store

    Steve Hanson is co-founder of, an online community for owners of cleaning companies. Sign up for Trash Talk:Tip of the Week at . Read success stories at .

    Friday, May 23, 2008

    How to Start a Cleaning Service Business - A Quick Guide

    If you are not satisfied with your 5-9 day jobs. It's time to take action to think of starting your own business. One of the easiest and least expensive small businesses to start up is a cleaning service business. The operations are extremely easy, start up costs are low, and you don’t need years of training or experience too.

    In United States, registration of a business is required in many states unless you do business in your own name. You may consider register your cleaning business if you plan to do business in a business name. S-corporation is also a common type of business entity that small business use for their operation. The registration may cost about $50, and it's free if you register with your state online. Next step is to obtain a Tax Identification Number from IRS (it’s free too) if you operate as a business not an individual.

    It is convenient to promote with a few flyers in your neighborhood and a few ads in your local newspaper. It is relatively easy to find customers since there‘s a huge market and demand. Every home needs deep cleaning in a few months. You can either operate as an independent business which advertises, completes contracts and cleans yourself or purchase a cleaning service franchise. Many people opt to buy a franchise to either extend the market reach or save the marketing cost. Most franchises offer training on cleaning residential and commercial buildings. Some franchises actually find jobs for individual service contractor and small cleaning businesses work as affiliates. You pay franchises a percentage of your operation revenue. Distributing business cards is another effective and inexpensive way to market your cleaning service. You can easily do business card printing yourself using one of professional business card templates. As the business grows and your marketing budget increases, it’s time to order some custom business cards or professional business cards. Color business cards will make a better impression on your customers. To further expand your marketing matrix, a professional Web site is next thing you may attempt to have to promote your service so that the homeowners or office managers can find your business and services 365 days a year and 24 hours a day. Cheap Web hosting costs as little as under $50 a year.

    The operation of a cleaning business is straightforward and less expensive too. It doesn’t need much equipment, just some simple cleaning supplies and a vacuum cleaner. The going maintenance cost won’t cost much either - the cost of replacing vacuum cleaner parts, vacuum parts, vacuum filters, Hoover parts etc..

    The start-up of a cleaning business is the easy part. It takes extra efforts to grow your business.

    Natalie Aranda writes on small businesses. One of the easiest and least expensive small businesses to start up is a cleaning service business. The operations are extremely easy, start up costs are low, and you don’t need years of training or experience too. Distributing business cards is another effective and inexpensive way to market your cleaning service. The operation of a cleaning business is straightforward and less expensive too. It doesn’t need much equipment, just some simple cleaning supplies and a vacuum cleaner. The going maintenance cost won’t cost much either - the cost of replacing vacuum cleaner parts, vacuum parts, vacuum filters, Hoover parts etc..

    Bleach - Our Reliance on It is a Mistaken Belief; Part 3

    From the first two articles it has hopefully become obvious that bleach does exactly that. It bleaches coloured pigments so they are transparent. It doesn’t clean by removing. I was trying to explain this to my son-in-law who said he swore by bleach and used it for many things. Only that morning he said he had used it to clean the tannin from stained teaspoons. Again I attempted to explain that the tannin was still there it had just been bleached so he couldn’t see it. His answer was I cannot see it so it has gone and the spoons are nice and shiny once again.. Defeated yet again by the power of bleach!

    Having thought about this for some little time now perhaps I should reconsider my quest to re-educate people about the use of bleach. The power of what people perceive to be true using their sight and smell is too great to overcome. On top of that I myself have succumbed to the power of bleach. One of my cleaners was having quite a lot of trouble removing the tannin stains that had developed on the kitchen worktops of a well used office kitchen. In the end she called me in and said she had tried everything. The stain had embedded itself in the worktop and all remedies had only succeeded in dulling the stain. Not to waste any more time and effort on this particular problem I furnished her with some bleach and a few minutes later the work surfaces were looking ‘as new’. So even in my own world there is a place for bleach!

    None the less there are far too many instances of young children drinking bleach that individuals should not simply leave a bottle by the toilet as seen in so many households. Keep it out of reach, preferably in a cupboard that youngsters cannot get into. Secondly never use bleach with any other cleaner. We had an instance quite recently where we had been called into a nursing home to descale all the toilets. Limescale deposits had built up on these toilets over the last 15 years. So a team of six cleaners set to work using phosphoric acid descaler. A few moments later the toilets had to be evacuated by the cleaners as the fumes were overpowering. Un beknown to us the nursing home cleaners had earlier been round to clean all the toilets and had simply poured bleach around the bowl. Result a very nasty reaction between the bleach and the acid producing toxic fumes. So there is a cautionary tale to take note of. When the manufacturers say do not use with any other cleaning product they actually mean it!

    David Andrew Smith has been working for many years in the cleaning industry and is the owner of, general cleaners and also the owner of who are specialists in natural stone care and maintenance of such natural stone as marble, granite and limestone

    Bleach - Our Reliance on It is a Mistaken Belief; Part 2

    In the first part of this article I went through a summary of some of the reasons why we seem to rely on bleach as a staple household cleaner namely it seems to clean and it smells clean, therefore it must clean. Have you ever tried to remove mould with bleach? From window frames and bathrooms? It certainly seems to remove it and they come up looking nice and clean. Sometimes after only a couple of weeks the mould is back and within a month as bad as it ever was.

    Now when you look at cleaning tips bleach is often mentioned as the product of choice for removing mould. However we all know, those of us who have tried it, that, although it works in the short term we have to keep repeating the process. Why do we continue to do this? Its not the fault of the bleach, it is because it happens to be a particularly damp spot and therefore attracts and stimulates mould growth. So it is just something we have to put up with. Very few will question whether it is the fault of the bleach being ineffective in the removal process. It can’t possibly be the bleach. This is such a wonderful product that does everything its simply the design of the building.

    If we look at this closely we do in fact end up having to blame the bleach as being not very good at removing mould or mildew.

    Why is it not so good? Most household surfaces that attract mould growth are by their nature porous. The fungal spores disappear into these pores and germinate spreading the growth over the surface. To completely remove the mould we need to get our ‘killing’ chemical into the pores to destroy any lingering spores. The chemical nature of bleach is such that the chloride ions are actually repelled from the pore entrance so the killing power of the bleach is entirely restricted to the external surface. It leaves any mould structure and spores that are embedded in the material to live on and fight another day. Hence the reasons for their swift return to once more blacken our world! In order to destroy all the fungi within the porous material you need a fungicide that will not only kill the mould but also its spores. Fungicides can penetrate the pores do this. An added benefit is that the fungicide can remain active within the structure for some time thereby killing immediately any of those unsuspecting spores that fall out of the air into the pores. This method considerably lengthens the time interval between removing the mould and its reappearance.

    Any good cleaner when confronted with mould will use a fungicide and not a proprietary cleaning agent such as bleach. Remember that next time you call the cleaners in to give your property a deep clean.

    Watch out for Part 3 that will follow shortly.

    David Andrew Smith has been working for many years in the cleaning industry and is the owner of, general cleaners and also the owner of who are specialists in natural stone care and maintenance of such natural stone as marble, granite and limestone

    Thursday, May 22, 2008

    Abatement of Noxious Compounds and Chemicals in the Cleaning Business

    So often in the cleaning business chemicals are not stored properly and neither are the empty containers which conveniently leak, mix with rain water and tip over and soak into the ground surrounding the building and seep into the ground water causing environmental issues; you know like three legged frogs and such. Now mind you I am not an environmentalist, but I do know a thing or two about environmental pollution and lots about the cleaning industry and business, especially on the service sector side of things.

    You see for years I ran a mobile pressure washing business, which we built up and franchised into 23 states. One thing I would always do is scout out the competition to see if they posed a threat to our franchisees and our forward progress in the market place. I would often visit their facilities and was usually taken aback at their lack of caring for the environment, plastic drums and steel barrels of containers left littered around the property with weeds growing between them.

    I will tell you that the problem is about 60% of the operators out there and in all the sub sectors from the 49,000 car washes to the 55,000 small businesses doing pressure washing and the 150,000 doing janitorial businesses; this is a huge thing and a real problems. Imagine the cancer risks to the workers and employees, which is the biggest concern people talk about. Someday someone ought to figure out what to do and organize the abatement of noxious compounds and chemicals in the Cleaning Business to prevent all these mini-eco-disasters. Consider all this in 2006.

    Lance Winslow

    How To Clean Laminate Floors

    I'm loving my new laminate floors! I've found that cleaning them is easy but not quite as simple as dusting and dampmopping. They will dry kind of streaky if I don't use a small bit of some kind of cleanser that evaporates quickly.

    So now I either sweep with a broom or dustmop with a dry microfibre mop, then I use a wet microfiber cloth on the mop to mop the floors. I lightly spray a touch of Seventh Generation Glass & Surface Cleaner to spots or when the mop gets too dry. It also helps to mop in the direction of the grain and not in circles or figure 8s like you might with vinyl or tile.

    I searched around online and found tips from other laminate floor owners on how to clean laminate flooring:

    Try a damp mop wrung out with very hot water, it evaporates better.

    Try a vinegar/water solution.

    Check with the manufacturer's recommendation: mine recommended a damp plain water mop but as I mentioned, that wasn't effective for me. Some manufacturers make their own floor cleaners.

    A wet Swiffer cloth works well for some.

    Don't use a soap based or citrus oil product, they don't clean laminate well or could even damage the shiny finish.

    Don't use any type of abrasive cleaner.

    If a stain is resistant you can try a tiny bit of acetone.

    Hope that helps. Enjoy your new laminate floors!

    Trying to decide on flooring? Get more info to help you make these hard flooring decisions at

    How To Clean Windows And Not Leave Streaks

    When cleaning windows it's not always what you see is what you get! Some window cleaning chemicals won't leave streaks right away but after a good drying period a dull film will start to appear. This usually occurs if the window cleaning solution has added chemicals that won't evaporate and are left as a residue on the glass. When purchasing a good window cleaning chemical or solution it is usually best to purchase products that are ammonia based. Ammonia based products will evaporate quickly and not leave any residue. Concentrated glass cleaners are great for use in climates where the temperature changes, especially if you are using them outdoors. A concentrated glass cleaner can be diluted with the correct amount of water for the amount of moisture in the air and the ambient temperature. Mix in more water for hot and dry climates and less water for cooler moist climates. By using this method you can really cut down on those window streaks.

    Another good tool to use when cleaning windows is a window squeegee. Window squeegees don't leave lint and can quickly remove any cleaning solution from your glass. Window squeegees come in many sizes and styles. For residential window cleaning a disposable window squeegee is the way to go. Disposable window squeegees do a great job and are very economical. When the rubber squeegee blade starts to break down and disintegrate just throw it away, and purchase a new one. Professional window cleaners and janitorial personal are likely to use a professional window squeegee with a replaceable squeegee blade.

    On these types of squeegees when the rubber blade starts to disintegrate you can just replace the rubber, retaining the original handle and channel. Professional window squeegee handles are made from many different materials such as stainless steel, plastic and brass. Brass will usually hold up better than other materials and won't rust. Window squeegees come in many sizes ranging from 12 inches to four feet. Some companies have tried to produce window squeegees over four feet but they are too hard to control and are too heavy for one person to use. Most professional window squeegees come in three sections, the squeegee handle, the squeegee channel, and the squeegee blade.

    Window washers are great for cleaning stains on windows such as bugs, bird droppings, and tar. Window washers are basically a semi abrasive towel attached to a handle and shaped like a window squeegee. The pad or towel on a window washer is usually made from cotton enclosed in a nylon net. The nylon netting is made to quickly remove the toughest of stains.

    Great cleaning tips and cleaning information by Lee Harris can be found at Lee Harris is an expert in the cleaning supplies and janitorial products industry and can answer all your questions about window squeegees. Our information is concise and will give anyone basic information about the right cleaning tool for any job. On our cleaning site we also have a cleaning forum where our users can assist each other with their own questions. A cleaning services directory is readly available for cleaning companies to advertise their site by the state in which they are located.

    Wednesday, May 21, 2008

    Marketing an Aircraft Cleaning Business

    As I travel around the nation and stop in at small airports to check out the areas, I often see aircraft washing services, which indeed could use a few pointers in marketing their services to their prospective clientele. I started my first aircraft washing business in 1977 at age 12 and built it up from there and in later years I had franchised the operation to many regional and smaller airports.

    Marketing aircraft washing, cleaning and detailing services sounds like it would be easy but it is not at all. First people only come out to the airport when they are planning to fly their aircraft somewhere and you have to be there to get the business. Additionally if you try to find out who owns the aircraft they are usually registered to a no name corporation or LLC for tax purposes and it is difficult to contact the owners that way.

    The best way we have found to market aircraft washing services is via bulletin boards, online local flying club forums, joining the Civil Air Patrol for networking purposes and getting with other aviation businesses and offering 10% commission for getting us any customers.

    Additionally when invoicing aircraft owners and companies you wash for put a little note inside and ask them for referrals and give them a discount when they refer you new clientele. All these techniques work and they will help get your aircraft cleaning service off the ground you see? Consider this in 2006.

    Lance Winslow

    Easy Steps for Carpet Spots and Stains


    1. Treat spills and stains immediately. The longer the spot remains in the carpet, the more difficult it will be to remove. Remove spots before they dry.

    2. Blot up as much of the spot a possible using a clean absorbent white towel or paper towel. If the spot is solid or semi-solid, scrape up with a spatula or rounded spoon. Be careful not to damage the carpet fibers. If the stain is solid, vacuum away as much as possible.

    3. Next pretest any spot removal agent in an inconspicuous area of the carpet to make certain it will not damage the carpet fibers or dye.

    4. To remove the spot, apply a small amount of cleaning solution to the stain or to a white absorbent towel and gently blot away the spot. Do not use a very soapy solution as it will be difficult to completely remove and the residue left in the carpet will re-soil more rapidly. Keep applying solution to a fresh area of the towel and continue to blot until the stain is completely removed. Work from the outside of the spot toward the center, being careful not to spread the stain around.

    5. Do not brush or scrub the spot as this may cause carpet fiber damage.

    6. Repeat step 4 as long as there is a transfer of the stain to the towel. You may have to use another spot removal agent if the spot is not completely removed by the first agent.

    7. After you have removed the spot as much as possible, rinse area with water and blot dry. Next, apply about a 1/2 inch layer of paper towels over the spot and weight down with a book or other heavy flat object. Change the paper towels when they become saturated and allow spot to dry overnight. Remove towels and gently brush the carpet pile with your fingertips to raise the pile. The idea here is that any remaining spot should absorb into the paper towels and vanish from the carpet. This procedure is also good for a spot that reappears after you have removed it. Sometimes it might take two or three applications.

    8. The keys to remember: act quickly, do not let the spot dry if possible, use small amounts of cleaning solution – do not over-wet, always blot, do not rub or brush, work from the outside in toward the middle of the spot, and be patient. Some stains respond very slowly, and some stains cannot be removed due to the fibers and dyes. Professional help may be needed. But take heart – most spots can be removed if cleaned immediately.

    Jack Antonius is a recognized authority on the subject of carpet cleaning and stain and spill removal with 30+ years of experience. provides a treasure trove of information – including how to make a Basic Spotting Kit to keep on hand.

    How to Remove Carpet Spots

    There all kinds of accidents that can happen when you have carpet. Carpet is extremely usual in the majority of homes, making the risk for accidents higher than ever. Regardless of what the spill may be - mud, blood, or milk – there are techniques to clean everything.

    There are more than a few products that you can choose that will work wonderful. The only trouble with these products is the fact that they are usually incredibly imprecise with how you should make use of them.

    If you have a red stain on your carpet, you should not try to remove it yourself, but instead hire a professional. There are specific procedures and exceptionally successful methods that your carpet cleaning company can employ to save you from destroying your carpet.

    Bear in mind that red is the toughest stain to remove. A professional carpet cleaner is properly trained and equipped to deal with them.

    For everything else, there are effective and inexpensive ways to clean spots on both your carpet and the upholstery.

    Go to your local auto parts store and buy the auto upholstery and carpet cleaner in the can. Tuff Stuff is an excellent choice. Just about all cleaners that come in a can are foaming cleaners. They will make your task a lot easier.

    The foam in these canned cleaners penetrates the fibers and as it foams, it releases and suspends the stains and soils. You can lightly scrub the area with a towel or soft bristled brush.

    Here are some great tips that help you clean the spots:

    1. Use white rags or towels when you clean carpet and upholstery to minimize the risk of ruining colors as well as color transfer.

    2. Use foaming cleaners to clean your upholstery, even if it state to dry clean only.

    3. Always test your product first on a hidden area to save yourself heartache.

    On condition that you do not have a red stain in the carpet, you should not have any problems getting it out.

    Protect your carpet against paint drips, snow, mud, dirt, stains, and heavy traffic conditions. Read about plastic carpet protections as well as temporary carpet protection.

    Tuesday, May 20, 2008

    Customer Service for Aircraft Cleaning Companies

    One of the most important things in any service business is customer service. Happy customers with a smile on their face are more apt to refer you or business to other potential customers. This is how you develop word-of-mouth advertising and referrals. And that is the best type of new customer you could hope for.

    Some people say that referrals are free, but they are not really free because it takes hard work and great customer service to exceed the customer expectations to the point that they have a WOW experience and feel compelled to tell all their friends.

    In customized special service businesses like aircraft washing and cleaning or aircraft detailing customer service is vitally important to the ongoing nature and growth of your business. How do you give good service when washing and detailing aircraft?

    Well, a perfect wash and a perfect detail is one way. Another way is to allow the chief pilots other corporate jet aircraft owners that you are washing for to have your personal cell phone number. If and when they call you need to respond immediately after they call no matter what time of the day or night now that is great customer service.

    There are many great ways to give good customer service but they are not that many good ways to give great customer service. You need to be engaged in the thinking process of customer service and never let it leave your mind. Please consider this in 2006.

    Lance Winslow - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

    Air Purifiers Cleaning The Air

    The 21st Century has brought us many advances. The progress industry has been through changed everything around it and the environment is suffering its effects.

    The air is the means of transportation - and consequently, the means by which microorganisms get spread, more commonly that ever before. It's pretty easy for an epidemic to get spread through the air and it’s scary, if we take into account what happened with the Ebola virus some years ago. The whole world was afraid, even countries at the other side of the globe were praying for the virus not to get to their territory.

    Directly opposite to what many people think, it is not only the "outside" that offers danger to our overall health. We are not safe even inside our homes. Believe it or not, a study developed by environment researchers found that the air inside our homes is dirtier than the air we breathe when we are walking in the street.

    What are we exposed to?

    We are exposed to a lot of danger when we breathe. Asthmatic people suffer even more than people who don't have any respiratory disorders. Little children, especially newborn babies, and old people are the most predisposed to suffer respiratory disorders due to the bad condition of the air we breathe.

    It's not that hundreds of years ago, the air was safe. No, it was not. Allergens have always existed. But progress has brought us industries with their high chimneys spreading smoke, a dark and heavy smoke, into the air. We have cars that also spread smoke. These simply create high levels of pollution.

    Besides the pollution, we also have the allergens in the air. And the majority of these are the ones responsible for the asthma crisis today. The smoke of a cigarette, the pollen from flowers and the thousands of different smells mixed together may lead a delicate respiratory system into a serious crisis.

    In addition to that, bacteria and viruses as well as other types of microorganisms are constant threats. Due to these invisible creatures, people get pneumonia and tuberculosis, diseases that may lead to death if not treated properly.

    How do we protect our loved ones?

    Unfortunately, there aren't many things we can do in order to protect our family or our environment at work. We can’t prevent pollution, allergens or microorganisms from existing in the air that we breathe and we cannot stop breathing either.

    The same hand that pollutes tries to clean. Industries have developed some air purifiers in order to decrease the effects of the polluted air we breathe.

    Air purifiers simply try to take from the air the allergens and some of the pollution. It's something we can do to decrease the effects on our bodies. It is certainly necessary if we have new babies at home.

    Techniques used

    There are several techniques available for people who want to create a safe - or less dangerous - indoor environment with respect to the air.

    Some air purifiers use adsorbent techniques and electrostatic charges and ionizers. Some others include a germicidal UV light and the emission of ions into the air in order to react with the agents that may cause health problems and reduce or eliminate them. However, there isn't an air purifier sold for homes able to create indoor conditions as clean as those found in hospitals.

    We cannot control what we breathe when we are in the street, but we can do something to avoid such side effects when we are at home.


    Michael Russell

    Your Independent guide to Air Purifiers
